Principals, Improve Instruction and Student Engagement with DataWORKS

Discover how Dataworks’ training and curriculum can transform classroom instruction and drive student success.

Streamline Lesson Design & Creation

Create Effective Student Engagement

Implement Continuous Improvement

Tested & Trusted In +25,000 Classrooms


Addressing Principal Challenges

All K-12 Principals face numerous challenges, from ensuring effective instruction to managing classroom processes (and more). Dataworks provides solutions that streamline lesson design & creation, enhance student engagement, and foster continuous improvement, helping principals overcome these hurdles and achieve educational excellence.

Below, we have categorized the challenges we help with into three groups: Instructional Practices and Curriculum Development | Student Needs and Engagement | Leadership and School Reform

Instructional Practices and Curriculum Development

DataWORKS empowers principals to enhance educational quality through targeted support in instructional practices and curriculum development.

Our solutions strengthen academic rigor and provide robust curriculum development and scaffolding techniques, ensuring all students can participate in every lesson while engaging with complex concepts. We emphasize differentiation and effective pacing to create inclusive classrooms, aligned with state and national standards.

Our step-by-step approach to ELA and focus on math concepts build strong foundational skills. Additionally, our classroom coaching offers personalized guidance, enhancing instructional techniques and classroom management.


John Hollingsworth, Cofounder Of DataWORKS and EDI Teaching Instructional Practices To A Group Of Educators From The Same School District.


The Academic Engagement Norms Are Critical Components Of EDI

Student Needs and Engagement

We support principals in addressing student needs and engagement with comprehensive solutions tailored to today’s diverse classrooms. We focus on meeting diverse student needs through strategies that promote student engagement and motivation, ensuring every learner remains actively involved and invested in their education.

Our specialized programs for English language development (ELD) and long-term English learners provide targeted support to help these students achieve language proficiency and academic success.

Effective classroom management techniques are integrated into our professional development offerings, equipping teachers with the skills to create orderly and conducive learning environments.

With DataWORKS, you can foster an inclusive, engaging, and well-managed educational setting where every student has the opportunity to thrive.

Leadership and School Reform

DataWORKS partners with principals to drive effective leadership and meaningful school reform. Our expertise in data utilization empowers you to make informed decisions that lead to measurable improvements in student outcomes. We focus on raising test scores through proactive strategies and data-driven insights, helping schools achieve academic excellence.

We support leaders in creating and leading instructional programs that inspire teachers and students alike. Overcoming resistance to change and handling negotiable and non-negotiable teacher behavior are critical areas where we provide guidance. Our approach ensures a clear vision of effective instruction is established and maintained, even in the face of high-stakes testing pressures.

With DataWORKS, you can lead your school towards sustainable reform and success, fostering an environment where educational excellence is the norm.

Lesson Delivery

TAPPLE Helps Educators to Recall Vital Parts of EDI

What Educators Are Saying

“Implementing Dataworks’ curriculum has transformed our classrooms. The structured lessons and focus on academic language have significantly improved our students’ performance and engagement.”

Sarah Thompson, Principal

“The Checking for Understanding questions have been a game-changer. They allow me to quickly gauge student comprehension and adjust my teaching on the fly. Our test scores have never been better.”

Michael Johnson, 5th Grade Teacher

“Dataworks’ strategies for English Learners have made a noticeable difference. Our students are more confident in using English, and their academic progress is evident in their daily work.”

Emily Davis, ELD Coordinator

“Even our veteran teachers have embraced the Dataworks approach. The focus on student engagement and clear instructional practices has revitalized our teaching methods and improved student outcomes.”

James Lee, High School Teacher

Connect With Us To Learn More

The number one determination of student success is the quality of the teacher. The quality of a teacher is measured by classroom instructional practice and lesson design. A standardized instructional method repeatedly applied will have a positive impact on student learning. Hence, the decision to use DataWORKS has proven to be the most effective instructional method for learning new material, most especially for struggling learners.

Instruction should be a dialog that’s interactive and engaging. We are not waiting for test results, but instead making academic corrections to ensure success.

Fill out the form today to start a conversation with DataWORKS. One of our training experts will follow up to schedule a meeting with you to learn more about your school.

Effective Instructional Training


Explicit Direct Instruction

Create a culture of instructional excellence in your school by providing a common language and procedures for lessons, based on classroom-tested research. Effective lessons for new content must be explicit and should contain seven components: Learning Objective, Activation of Prior Knowledge, Concept Development, Skill Development, Guided Practice, Relevance, and Closure.


English Learner Strategies

This workshop covers the methods that make lessons in English more understandable for English Learners. It also addresses how to have ELs learn and use more English themselves during any lessons. This workshop provides educators with more than 50 specific strategies that enable them to achieve these goals whether ELs are designated as starting, emerging, developing, expanding, or bridging.

summer school

StepUP Academy

A Summer School Bootcamp for the Brain. “Accelerate students by pre-teaching next year’s standards this summer” Each Academy is customized for your school by grade level, subject, and number of weeks. It’s a turn-key program that provides online lessons, classroom materials (including workbooks, posters, whiteboards, and more), a pacing calendar, skill mastery modules for fluency, and even specific training for your teachers on lesson delivery strategies.


Instructional Leadership

Instructional Leaders maintain a relentless focus on improving how students are TAUGHT. DataWorks shows you how to master the tools and language of instructional excellence with a complete instructional reform model designed to develop instructional excellence at school sites by maintaining a relentless focus on what occurs inside the classroom each day.

Instructional Leaders focus on the instructional program, operations managers focus on the facilities. Which are you?

summer school

Educational Management Organization

Establish successful Administrator-to-Teacher relationships, Teacher-to-Teacher relationships, and an ongoing local training program to create a school or districtwide culture of instructional excellence. As an Educational Management Organization, DataWORKS provides a range of services to help local leaders manage school or district transitions to a more effective learning environment that leads to higher student achievement.

Common Core Guides Video

Common Core Workshops

Every day teachers are challenged to create Learning Objectives (Targets) based on heavy text-based standards that often include definitions, examples, and multiple objectives. Valuable time is spent trying to condense the Common Core state standards into teachable learning objectives for the classroom. The Common Core standards have focused classroom learning on concept-based lessons, more emphasis on informational text, evidence-based analysis, and new kinds of testing. These shifts in focus require teachers and administrators to adapt their instruction to meet these needs. Common Core workshops will help you understand the Common Core standards and practically apply them in the classroom.

Ready To Meet Our Education Experts?

Use the button to schedule a meeting and get your free copy of the world-renowned DataWORKS Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI®) Book.

Engaging Instructional Curriculum

launch to literacy program

Launch to Literacy

The Launch to Literacy ELD curriculum is structured in a way that the message of how to read, write, and use language is consistent with how English is taught to native speakers. This systematic, synthetic phonics approach begins with simple skills and concepts and advances in complexity as students advance from starting to developing English learners. The Launch to Literacy ELD curriculum is also structured in a way that the message of how to read, write, and use language is consistent across every level. This feature is vital as students are accelerated through the fast-paced ELD program. With Launch to Literacy, students will be learning to read new words after the first few lessons.

Englsih language development

Link to Literacy

The Link to Literacy Intermediate English Language Development (ELD) curriculum was designed to address the needs of students in grades 3 and up who struggle in the areas of language, vocabulary, and reading. Intensive Explicit Direct Instruction lessons cover a range of topics such as: using simple verb tenses, determining the meaning of words using context clues, and determining the main purpose of a text. Flashcards are also incorporated throughout the curriculum to address topics like antonyms, homophones, and multiple-meaning words. Online assessments are scheduled in regular intervals to check the understanding of students using the Link to Literacy curriculum.
Common Core Guides Video

Educeri Lessons

Over +3,000 Educeri Lessons that have been designed to maximize student learning. Educeri lessons are standards-based, built from Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)®, and provide teachers with resources that will help improve test scores. Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® is the backbone of Educeri lessons. Explicit Direct Instruction is a research-based teaching approach that emphasizes clear and explicit instruction, systematic delivery of content, active engagement, and active, real-time feedback. It provides educators with a structured framework to effectively deliver lessons and engage students in meaningful learning experiences. By implementing EDI, teachers can maximize instructional time, increase student engagement, and promote deeper understanding of subject matter.

Delhi High School StepUP Pacing Calendar

Pacing Calendar

Plan your lesson sequence for the year with our digital calendars customized for your text books. These standards-based, online curriculum maps inform teachers what to teach, what to skip, and how much time is suggested for each lesson! They combine multiple resources including your adopted textbooks and our own Educeri online lessons, into a year-long, digital curriculum map that can be accessed from any device or downloaded and printed.

Designated ELD Lessons

ELD Curriculum

The DataWORKS ELD (English Language Development) Curriculum is designed to support English learners in acquiring language skills that are essential for academic success. This curriculum is built on the principles of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), which is a research-based teaching methodology that ensures all students are actively engaged and learning.


High School Intervention

Unlock your students’ potential with our comprehensive HB 4545 program designed to meet Texas Education Agency requirements and accelerate learning for those who need it most. Our program focuses on teaching strategically selected set of lessons to help students make academic progress to meet TEA’s requirements. We implement Explicit Direct Instruction style teaching for whole-class instruction, aligning with TEA’s expectations for evidence-based, grade-level content delivery.

Ready To Meet Our Education Experts?

Use the button to schedule a meeting and get your free copy of the world-renowned DataWORKS Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI®) Book.



Reading Diagnostic

The DataWORKS Reading Diagnostic Assessment (RDA) is designed to assess the current reading level of a student based on the five components of literacy: Reading Comprehension;
The ability to read text, process it, and understand its meaning. Phonics; The correlation of sounds with letters or groups of letters. Reading Fluency; The ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. Phonemic Awareness; The ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes. Vocabulary; The body of words known to an individual. The Reading Diagnostic Assessment is designed to pinpoint at what grade level students are reading based on their mastery of the content within each literacy component.

Curriculum Calibration

Curriculum Calibration by DataWORKS is a strategic process that ensures instructional materials are aligned with educational standards, learning objectives, and teaching practices. This process involves meticulously reviewing and adjusting curriculum content to guarantee that it meets the specific needs of students while maintaining consistency across grade levels and subjects. By calibrating the curriculum, DataWORKS helps educators deliver high-quality instruction that leads to better student outcomes, ensuring that every lesson is effective, targeted, and aligned with academic goals.


Pre & Post Assessments

Pre and Post Assessments are essential tools for measuring student performance and evaluating the effectiveness of instructional strategies. The pre-assessment establishes a baseline of student knowledge and skills before instruction begins, while the post-assessment measures what students have learned after the instructional period. This comparison allows educators to assess the impact of their teaching methods, identify areas of student growth, and pinpoint any gaps in understanding that may need further attention. The data gathered from these assessments not only informs instructional decisions but also validates the success of the training provided, ensuring that educational goals are met effectively.


Effective Teaching and Student Engagement Questionnaire

Dataworks has developed a series of questions that we have been using to help educators to improve test scores in over 75,000 classrooms worldwide. Upon the initial analysis of your data, a professional development training expert will be able to have an in-depth conversation with you regarding the specific training solutions you could implement to help solve the issues and challenges that you are facing today. 


  • Whitepapers – Research on effective teaching strategies.
  • Lesson Templates – Reading, math, and science.
  • Vocabulary Lists – Academic word lists by grade level.
  • Checklists – Reading and writing checklists.
  • Posters – TAPPLE, Student Engagement, and more.
  • Learning Objective Guides – Create clear learning objectives.

Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® Videos

YouTube Channel:

Take the Next Step in Educational Excellence

Ready to transform your school’s instructional practices? Explore Dataworks’ professional development services and discover how our proven strategies can elevate your classroom instruction and boost student achievement. Join the many educators who have already seen remarkable results.

Schedule a meeting with DataWORKS to learn more about how you can cultivate an environment where every student has the opportunity to succeed.
