DataWORKS Educational Research Enhances the Effectiveness of Teacher-led Tier 1 Instruction
The best school reform is all students learning more the first time they are taught.
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Start The Research Survey
Dataworks has developed a series of questions that we have been using to help educators to improve test scores in over 75,000 classrooms worldwide.
Upon the initial analysis of your data, a professional development training expert will be able to have an in-depth conversation with you regarding the specific training solutions you could implement to help solve the issues and challenges that you are facing today.
Join Our Student Engagement Webinar
Thursday, March 6th at 11AM PST
This free 1 hour training webinar will provide an introduction and insights into how DataWORKS can help educators engage all students to raise test scores at your school.

Since 1997, Dataworks Has Helped Educators Improve Student Test Scores
Dataworks has been helping educators to improve test scores in over 75,000 classrooms worldwide.
Dataworks offers professional development, instructional coaching, and curriculum materials to help educators enhance their instructional practices and raise test scores.
Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® Is The Result of Dataworks’ Educational And Brain Research
EDI was developed by Dataworks founders, Dr. Silvia Ybarra and John Hollingsworth.
EDI focuses on improving education at the lesson level by incorporating instructional practices from the work of educational and cognitive researchers such as Hattie, Rosenshine, Hunter, Sousa, and Marzano.
Instructional Leadership (IL) Program for K-12 Educators
If you’re an administrator or principal who would like to increase attendance, minimize behavioral problems, and help students learn more and faster, then Dataworks Instructional Leadership Workshop can help you implement these Engagement Norms in your school.
Continuous Professional Development Training
Enhance educators’ skills from professional development training in real-life situations.

Lesson Demonstrations
The fastest way for teachers to try, improve, and feel confident with new teaching skills is to participate in our Lesson Demonstration Program. This is also the fastest way to bring a school’s staff to full implementation of Explicit Direct Instruction. This is one of the most effective ways to build “automaticity” in teaching skills.

Common Core Workshops
Common Core standards focus classroom learning on concept-based lessons, more emphasis on informational text, evidence-based analysis, and new kinds of testing. Common Core workshops will help educators understand the Common Core standards and practically apply them in the classroom.

English Learner Strategies
English learners have difficulty understanding the English the lesson is being taught in. The teacher will need to make the English used understandable for English learners. That’s done through vocab development, definitions, and context clues which makes English more understandable.
All of our PLC meetings start by looking at data, including classroom walkthrough assessments of EDI strategies. Silvia Ybarra helped us calibrate during walkthroughs to develop a common language and credibility district-wide.
Ready To Meet Our Education Experts?
Use the button below to book a meeting on our calendar
Learn How You Can Build the Foundation for Improving Test Scores
If you are a principal, superintendent, or administrator, our whitepaper tells you why traditional professional development doesn’t work and how to fix it.

Teachers at Jefferson Elementary in Dinuba have been working hard to implement all the strategies associated with Explicit Direct Instruction, EDI, over the past two years. Checking for Understanding is a CORE component of EDI. To do this, teachers apply the TAPPLE strategy to verify that students are learning as they progress through each lesson. Teachers have found TAPPLE to be extremely effective in helping to monitor student success during the actual teaching of the lesson, not having to wait until the end of the lesson only to find out “they didn’t get it”. By using TAPPLE, teachers can make immediate instructional decisions in regards to re-teaching, speeding up the lesson or slowing it down. By using TAPPLE, teachers are finding that there is a higher success rate in student learning because they are continuously monitoring the learning and revising their teaching to ensure ALL students are retaining the lesson. And as we have found out, better understanding in the classroom leads to improved performance on tests.