Professional Development With Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)®

Help teachers deliver effective lessons that can significantly improve achievement for all learners, including English language learners and students with special needs.


USC Rossier School of Education is one of the graduate schools of the University of Southern California

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Before Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), our school was a ship adrift at sea with everyone rowing in different directions. EDI has provided us with a framework for instruction and a common language that allowed us to all row in the same direction. By doing so, we exited program improvement within the first two years of implementation, after having been in sanctions for the previous ten years. Additionally, using the framework and common language of EDI we were named a honor roll school by the Educational Results Partnership

Benjamin Luis

Assistant Superintendent , Liberty Middle School, Lemoore, CA


What Is Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® ?

EDI® was developed by Dataworks founders, Dr. Silvia Ybarra and John Hollingsworth. EDI® focuses on improving education at the lesson level by incorporating a strategic collection of instructional practices from the work of educational and cognitive researchers such as Hattie, Rosenshine, Hunter, Sousa, and Marzano. When all of the research is combined, you get EDI®.

The extensive classroom experience of the Dataworks founders and staff has proven that direct instruction is more effective and efficient, especially for struggling students and English learners.

In fact, there is overwhelming research supporting teacher-led, explicit, direct instruction. Dataworks built upon this approach, developing and refining our own specific version of direct instruction, called Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)®.

Does EDI® Work for High-Stake Testing?

With Assessments using Common Core State Standards, the Dataworks’ EDI® approach to teaching has become more relevant than ever before. The EDI® collection of research-based strategies includes 75% of the shifts to Common Core, such as text-based lessons, text-based answers, academic and content vocabulary, strong concepts as well as skills, and real-world connections. Recall questions are great, however, teachers need to get application-based questions for their students to be successful in the era of High-stakes testing. 

In addition, EDI® Lessons and Lesson Design training have evolved to include more Informational (expository) text, more application problems, Common Core learning objectives, and Access to Common Core questions that utilize the new types of assessments. With our training in the pedagogy of EDI, High-Stake testing questions will be more doable for your students.


About Dataworks Methodology

Instruction should be a dialog that’s interactive and engaging; so students are given the opportunity to demonstrate what they are learning and teachers make instructional decisions based on the students’ responses.

We are not waiting for test results, but instead, making academic corrections to ensure the success of the lesson and ultimately releasing the students to independent practices.

EDI has been a huge part of our success. We took Datawork’s ideas and training and took ownership of them and continued to build teacher competence. EDI provided a common language for instruction and very clear steps for students to learn. EDI is our instructional method, but also the base of our PLCs and RTIs.

Tim Lopez

Principal, Fairmont Elementary, Sanger, CA

The EDI® Training Includes:

  • How to get 100% correct answers from all students.
  • Effective lesson design and effective delivery.
  • Learn ways to motivate all students.
  • Get students to complete their homework.
  • Brain compatible teaching that helps students learn more.
  • 8 ways to create student engagement.
  • Choral reading to improve student reading fluency.
  • Corrective feedback strategies.
  • Expand student academic vocabulary in every lesson.
  • Steps for Checking for Understanding.
  • Improve classroom management.
  • Higher-order questions that help students learn more.
  • Student whiteboards to increase student learning.
  • The proper use of sentence frames in questioning.
  • Supercharging concept development in every lesson.

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Create The Foundation for Teaching Excellence

Explicit Direct Instruction® helps all students. Read our whitepaper to learn about the difference between Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® vs. traditional Direct Instruction.


Read Our Whitepaper


What Does Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® Training Cover?

Our trainers will provide coaching and feedback for the strategies covered in the workshop and participants will be asked to practice in small groups. This leads to increased teacher retention for the following:


Brain Research

Dataworks provides an overview of brain research. We explain how the human brain learns and stores information. This helps teachers understand the importance of the lesson delivery strategies in Explicit Direct Instruction EDI® .


Engagement Norms

Practice with Student Engagement Norms. Dataworks Engagement Norms are used in thousands of classrooms around the world because they work. They include eight strategies that keep students engaged and actively participating in every lesson.


Checking for Understanding

Most teachers know how to ask questions and call on students for responses. But are teachers asking the right questions to the right students? EDI® has simple tips to help teachers ask powerful, probing questions to non-volunteers that will change the culture of the classroom and accurately assess learning in real-time.


Lesson Design Components

Create a culture of instructional excellence by providing common procedures for lessons. We cover the critical components of the Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® lesson design; learning objective, activate prior knowledge, concept development, sill development with guided practice, relevance, and closure.


How Does EDI® Help Students?

Explicit direct instruction (EDI) is a teaching method that benefits students by providing clear learning objectives, breaking down complex concepts, and giving step-by-step guidance.

It engages students actively, offers direct teaching, and offers immediate feedback.

EDI builds skills, addresses learning gaps, boosts confidence, and teaches transferable skills. It’s efficient, focused, and helps students succeed across subjects.

Is EDI® Training Necessary?

EDI can be particularly beneficial for students who need clear structure, guidance, and practice in mastering foundational skills. It’s effective for addressing learning gaps, building confidence, and improving student outcomes.


When To Deploy EDI® Training

Schools should deploy Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® training when they want to improve foundational skills like reading and math, help struggling students catch up, prepare for standardized tests, ensure consistent teaching, and support special education or intervention programs.

It’s effective, evidence-based, and can be useful for new teachers, initial instruction, school reform, and maintaining accountability.

EDI keeps students engaged throughout the lesson! It gives students the opportunity to speak and listen to each other during the lesson. Students discuss vocabulary and read aloud during EDI which gives them practice in Reading, Speaking, Listening, and Writing. Students do all the work during a lesson! Pair-Share is a great strategy to help English Learners with speaking and practicing the vocabulary!

Yvette Mezzanatto

5th Grade Teacher, Crestmore ES, Bloomington, CA

Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)® Videos

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