Lesson Demonstrations & Classroom Coaching
Partnering with a consultant who not only demonstrates engaging, effective lesson design and delivery strategies but also provides specific guidance to help replicate these strategies in real time.

Let’s Get Started
Fill out the form with your school email address, and we will get back to you.
- Fill out the form
Let us know how to contact you and the best time to.
- We contact you
One of our staff members will contact you at the time you desired.
- Then we meet
We will prepare some information to meet your interests, and we’ll discuss details of what you are seeing in your classrooms and how we can help.
Why Are Lesson Demonstrations Important?
Research shows that staff development must be followed by demonstration, practice, and feedback (Joyce and Showers, 1987).
Our consultant will lead a lesson in your classroom, modeling powerful techniques for boosting student engagement and participation.
Then, it’s your turn! With real-time support and cues from the consultant, educators will feel confident using these strategies themselves, reinforcing what they’ve seen and practiced. This unique coaching approach empowers teachers to master new skills, keep students motivated, and make learning more dynamic.
Follow-up is the key to successful implementation, and is the fastest way for teachers to try, improve, and feel confident with new teaching skills:
How to Create Student Engagement
Checking for Understanding to make instructional decisions while teaching
Using Whiteboards to monitor all students
Providing Corrective Feedback for student errors

What Do Participants Learn From Lesson Demonstrations?
Effective Lesson Delivery: How to engage students in the lesson, how to check for understanding throughout the lesson, how to give effective feedback to students, and how to include reading in every lesson.
Foundations of EDI®: How to use higher-order questions, when to call on students and how, how to ‘work the page’ to present a lesson, how to use whiteboards effectively, and how to teach from examples not a script.

Ready To Meet Our Education Experts?
Click on “book a meeting”
How Lesson Demonstration & Classroom Coaching Work
Step 1
The school selects a lesson for demonstration, and the details are confirmed with the site administrator. Administrators brief the teachers about the training, the importance of interactive coaching, and also give copies of the selected lesson to the teachers to review.
Step 2
The DataWorks consultant arrives and offers a pre-brief session, so everyone knows what to expect. The consultant teaches the lesson to a class of students while teachers watch, modeling effective strategies. Teachers then take turns teaching the same lesson to a different class, either one at a time or team-taught in parts, while receiving interactive coaching from the consultant.
Step 3
The day ends with a debrief with participants, explaining what they saw and reinforcing the principles of effective instruction that can be used every day.
Our EDI implementation is going really well. Lots of our staff were so impressed with your workshop and demonstrations in the school that they had renewed energy around EDI implementation. They really felt like they understood the whole process a lot better, and can now talk about where they are on the continuum of learning and implementing this approach to teaching. We are getting regular feedback from staff, students and parents about the difference it is making to student learning.