Common Core Assessment Analysis: Fourth Grade Describe Characters

  Each state that has adopted Common Core State Standards will select an assessment consortium to assess how children are progressing in school. The two options most widely chosen at this point are: Smarter Balanced and PARCC. Each assessment consortium has provided practice test questions and today we will review one of these questions and discuss its potential impact on classroom instruction.…

common core learning objective

How to Craft a Learning Objective from a Common Core State Standard

Learning Objectives Guides are digital books that help teachers shift from just reading state standards to quickly creating lesson plans that focus on the required skills and content. Guides are available for Common Core, Next Generation Science, Literacy, and more for K-12 teachers. View All Guides Frequently at DataWORKS, we are asked what it takes…

Professional Development day with Silvia Ybarra

Intro Blog

DataWORKS Educational Research has been working to improve education for more than 17 years. Along the way, we have observed more than 35,000 teachers, collected and calibrated more than 2 million student assignments to measure alignment to state standards, and surveyed more than 100,000 educational stakeholders to collect data and optimize educational reform. Company founders…