We offer a wide range of resources for educators — many free and some available in our online store. Free items include lesson templates, whiteboard inserts, vocab lists, checklists for reading and writing, posters, white papers, and more. Items in our store include Learning Objective Guides for Math and English in every grade, our educational bestselling books on EDI, whiteboard kits, and dry-erase pens. Finally, we have 1400+ Ready-to-Teach lessons for teachers to use to help deliver their lessons.
Educational Resources
Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) Posters
This set of four posters gives a snapshot of the key strategies for using the Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) methodology. You’ll see the seven research-based components of an effective lesson. You’ll get an acronym reminder of the TAPPLE process for checking for understanding, which is the backbone of EDI. You’ll get instant recall of the 8 strategies for delivering an interactive lesson using the Engagement Norms. Finally, you can display the seven strategies for effective feedback to be used when students have trouble answering a question. More details on the EDI process are available here.
Differentiation Strategies Posters
This set of four posters offers 14 ways to differentiate in an EDI Lesson. In lesson design, teachers can Reduce the difficulty (with simpler content), Bypass the difficulty (with tools), and Reinforce the sub-skill during the lesson. In Lesson Delivery, teachers can use Multiple Strategies to reach students in different ways. They can also adjust the length of time of the lesson or the feedback after CFUs.To accelerate, they can embed Advanced Activities, Expand CFU questions, or provide Enrichment activities afterwards. Finally, they can intervene in the case of grade-level content, changing the content, time, or groups. For remediation with below-grade-level content, they can develop mini-clinics or send students to tutoring.
English Learner Strategy Posters
This set of four posters provides specific techniques for teaching English Learners. The first poster is a checklist of seven research-based teaching techniques that are recommended for teaching English Learners. Both content and language need focus as well as accommodations during the lesson. The next two posters feature eight strategies each for teaching Language Objectives — Listening & Speaking along with Reading & Writing. The final poster displays nine strategies for Vocabulary Development for English Learners. If you need an English Learner Program, we would love to provide you with our own ELD Program for K-12.
White Papers
White Papers are concise guides to complex educational issues along with our approach to managing the issue or solving the problem.
EDI Lesson Template
Design your own EDI Lessons using our PowerPoint template
Vocabulary Lists
This list was created by merging Marzano, Frey and Dolch, and other high-frequency word lists
EDI Writing Checklists
Rubrics written expressly for Common Core standards.
Reading Checklists
Student score their partners reading fluency using these checklists.