The Secret to Differentiation with EDI: Making Better Decisions at Choice Points

The Secret to Differentiation with EDI:Making Better Decisions at Choice Points Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), an interactive teaching strategy developed by Ybarra and Hollingsworth, involves the use of specific lesson delivery and lesson design components. The goal is for teachers to develop automaticity with the teaching strategies so they can focus more on how students…

differentiate and scaffold

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – after teaching including RTI

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – after teaching including RTIPlan for success after teaching All students successful Suppose you have already retaught, and a few students still aren’t ready. You have reached 80% success but are worried about the last few students. Naturally, you want all your students to be successful, but it’s not efficient…

Differentiate and Scaffold

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – while teaching

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – while teachingPlan for success during the lesson In a prior blog, we talked about differentiating and scaffolding when designing lessons. Differentiation refers to the idea of modifying instruction to meet a student’s individual needs and learning styles. Scaffolding refers to modifications you make while designing and teaching lessons that…

Differentiation and Scaffolding

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – Before the Lesson

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – before teachingPlan for success before the lesson There are differences between differentiation and scaffolding. Differentiation refers to the idea of modifying instruction to meet a student’s individual needs and learning styles. Scaffolding refers to modifications you make while designing and teaching lessons that allow all students to be successful…
