Closed Schools
Need Remote Learning
Due to concerns about the coronavirus, many teachers are searching for ways to help students learn at home. This means many of you right now are making photocopied worksheets for packets (or units of study) to be sent home with your students. However, there is a critical component missing — First-Time Learning. How do we reach your students at home to teach new content? This is where Remote Learning and Remote Teaching come into play. We have created a quick guide to help you get your kids learning new content in the safety of their homes. It uses DataWORKS’ online lesson bank called Educeri with easy-to-use online tools.
Teachers can combine Educeri.com with Google Hangouts to provide good lessons for students remotely. Here is how to E-Tech (aka Remote Learning):
How to host your students using Google Hangouts.
- Make sure you have a Google Classroom or a Google Hangout account.
- Go to your Hangouts home page, typically found here: https://hangouts.google.com
- Login to you Google account if not already logged in.
- Click on “New Conversation.”
- Type in their email to host one user or click on “New Group” to host multiple users. If hosting multiple users enter their emails separated by commas. Then press “Enter”
- A new window will open, you can send messages through this window. If you would like to share your screen you will need to begin a video chat by clicking on the camera icon on the top of the chat window. If calling a user with a video device such as a phone or some chrome books you may want to disable the camera, you can also disable the camera once the call has been initiated.
- Once the call is answered by the User(s) A new screen will appear. To disable the video click on the “camera icon” on the bottom of the screen next to large red circle with a phone icon.
- Select the 3 Dots on the upper right of the screen and click on the “share screen” option.