Professional Development for Teachers

for K-12 Schools and Districts

Professional Development for Teachers

Our Objective: To optimize instructional practices in every school so students effectively learn more.

Rationale: Constant improvement in teaching practices is the key to student success.  Research shows that new practices are fully implemented when training occurs repeatedly over time, supported with coaching and feedback. (Joyce and Showers 1987)

Professional Development for Teachers Video
The ultimate goal is to establish a culture of instructional excellence. We do that by providing common tools and a common language that help teachers and leaders work together to create a clear vision of excellent instruction.

Our professional development (PD) experts deliver practical workshops for teachers at K-12 schools, providing an array of lesson design and delivery strategies that can be immediately put to use in the classroom. Our trainings use the research-based approach of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), which provides schools with a unified and measurable focus for instruction.

Great instruction and curriculum are central to DataWORKS professional development services. In the last 17 years, more than 5,000 school districts, schools, and other entities worldwide have partnered with us and trusted us to help them create the best academic environment possible. We believe that good professional development supports leaders in maintaining high-quality teaching at their site.


Since every school or district is unique, I invite you to set up a short conference call or webinar so we can show you how we can help. Learn about our professional development programs, and how we can customize them to fit your needs and school budget. You and your staff will be glad you called. Talk with you soon!

Joel Soto
Client Relationship Manager
(800) 495-1550

Every school or district is unique, so I invite you to set up a conference call or webinar so we can show you how we can help. Learn about our professional development, and how we can customize it to fit your needs and school budget. You and your staff will be glad you called. Talk with you soon!

Joel Soto • Client Relationship Manager • (800) 495-1550


Learn more about them

DataWORKS delivers interactive workshops for Pre-K to 12 teachers. Our trainers don’t just deliver theory; they model the strategies and scenarios, often right in your own classrooms!

Topics include:
Classroom Management, Student Engagement, Checking for Understanding, Common Core Standards & Assessments, Lesson Design for Common Core, English Learner Strategies for Common Core, Content Area Literacy, Academic Coaching, Parental Involvement, and many more!

We also create custom workshops to fit the unique needs of schools and districts. Contact us today to discuss your needs!


Learn more about them

Consultants-03DataWORKS trainers have a combined 85 years of experience in classroom teaching and more than 30 years of experience serving as principals, vice principals, and district administrators. They are experts in Explicit Direct Instruction and have hundreds of hours of experience training teachers and school leaders in classrooms around the world. Our trainers have gone through a rigorous screening and selection process followed by extensive training, shadowing, and ongoing support and feedback.

Professional Development


A phone call is the best way to explain what our workshops can do for you. Call us and we’ll go over them with you. 1-800-495-1550.


How to teach California Common Core using

Explicit Direct Instruction

This professional development shows teachers how to prepare strategy-based lessons that allow students to learn more and to learn faster. The training addresses lesson design: Learning Objective, Activate Prior Knowledge, Concept Development, Skill Development, Guided Practice, Lesson Relevance, and Closure. The training addresses how to create student engagement while teaching, as well as how to continually Check for Understanding to measure in real time if students are learning or if re-teaching is needed. Included are 6 strategies to use when students are not successful. The goal is 80-100 percent student success when teaching new grade-level content.

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Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: 1-100

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A. full day, in-person (6-hour training)
B. half day, in-person (4-hour training)

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workshops for teachers

How to Teach California Common Core to English Learners

English Learner Strategies

This professional development shows teachers exactly how to modify lessons and classroom instruction to maximize learning for English Learners. It builds upon well-crafted lessons while embedding strategies for language acquisition and academic vocabulary development. The training addresses how to modify Checking for Understanding and how to correct content and language. It also includes 9 vocabulary strategies, 8 listening and speaking strategies plus reading and writing strategies.

Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: 1-100

A. full day, in-person (6-hour training)
B. half day, in-person (4-hour training)


Content Area Literacy Workshop

This professional development shows teachers how to support students in learning from text. The training starts with an analysis of the Literacy Standards for history/social science teachers and the Literacy Standards for teachers of science and technical subjects. The training then addresses how to teach Academic and Content vocabulary, and how to advance student learning through domain-specific text, reading complex text, text-based answers, and writing from sources.

Grades: 6-12
Applicable for areas of: Applicable for areas of Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: 1-100

A. full day, in-person (6-hour training)
B. half day, in-person (4-hour training)

Lesson Demonstrations

All training needs follow-up to ensure implementation. Our most effective follow-up is Lesson Demonstrations where a DataWORKS trainer teaches an EDI lesson at participating schools with the local students. Teachers and administrators observe and then, after debriefing, they teach the same lesson 2-3 more times in different classrooms. During the teaching, they receive real-time, in-situation coaching which research shows is the most effective method for supporting implementation.

Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: 1-7

A. 8-hour day (rotate through classrooms)


Lesson Design Training

In this professional development, DataWORKS consultants train teachers to write standards-based EDI lessons using their own instructional resources, specifically connecting instructional materials to California Common Core standards. Schools use roving subs to pull out teachers by grade level or content area cohorts. Two to three cohorts can be trained per day.

Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: All teachers in one grade level (max. 25)

A. Rotating 2-hour sessions by grade level cohorts, in person

workshops for teachers

Classroom Coaching

In this professional development, DataWORKS consultants coach teachers in their classroom while teaching. Research shows that real-time coaching is the most effective way to help teachers implement newly-learned delivery strategies.

Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: N/A

A. full day, in person (full school day)

Common Core Learning Objectives Workshop

In this professional development, DataWORKS provides instruction regarding the California Common Core Standards, focusing on the specific learning objectives contained in the standards.

The training includes printed guides that display math, ELA, ELD, and Next Generation Science Standards deconstructed into explicit, teachable Learning Objectives. The guides include grade-level vocabulary words derived from the standards and poster examples for key standards.

Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, Science, History, and Social Science
Recommended Audience Size: 1-100

A. full day, in person (6-hour training)
B. half day, in person (4-hour training)

Demystifying Common Core

Assessments and Standards Workshop

In this professional development, teachers are trained in how to use the California Common Core Standards and their assessments focused on Smarter Balanced released questions. Training addresses types of questions (such as multiple response), shift to concept-based math questions, the emphasis on informational text, and new methods of assessing writing from sources.
Note: This training is most effective when teachers are split into grade-level teams so that trainers can be very specific with the grade-level appropriate standards and examples.

Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: Applicable for areas of Math and ELA
Recommended Audience Size: 1-100

A. full day, in person (6-hour training)
B. half day, in person (4-hour training)


Curriculum Resources

Common Core Learning Objectives

& Essential Tools – Second Edition Guides

These guides convert Common Core math and ELA standards, CA ELD Standards, and Next Generation Science Standards into explicit, teachable Learning Objectives. The guides include grade-level vocabulary words derived from the standards, writing rubrics, and poster examples for key standards.

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Grades: K-12 ELA | K-12 math | K-12 ELD | 6-12 Literacy
Applicable for areas of: Math, ELA, ELD, and Literacy in Science, History/Social Science, and Technical Subjects
Recommended Audience Size: N/A

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ELD Curriculum (Beginning)

Launch to Literacy

DataWORKS developed its Launch to Literacy beginning English Language Development (ELD) curriculum to supplement current ELA resources and help English Learners as well as all students learning to read for the first time.

Launch to Literacy includes eight modules per day: phonemic awareness, phonics, spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension, listening & speaking, language, and writing. This adds up to more than 150 minutes of ELD instructional content per day. ELD teachers can use only the modules they need to fit their time allotment for ELD instruction.

The turn-key curriculum allows teachers to simply click on the pacing calendar and start teaching each day.

The Launch to Literacy ELD Curriculum is rigorously aligned to the California English Language Development (ELD) Standards as well as the California Common Core Standards and the standards for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

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Grades: TK-12
Applicable for areas of: ELA and ELD
Recommended Audience Size: ELD (TK-12th) and K-2 native English speakers

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The purchase of a Launch to Literacy teacher license gives teachers unlimited online access to the curriculum. DataWORKS develops a user dashboard for your site and teachers can access all levels of the curriculum from one location.

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ELD Curriculum (Intermediate)

Link to Literacy

DataWORKS developed its Link to Literacy intermediate English Language Development (ELD) curriculum to supplement current ELA resources and help English Learners in grades 3 and up.

Link to Literacy includes rigorous instruction in language, vocabulary, and reading. The curriculum includes more than 45 minutes of ELD instructional content per day plus a repository of flashcards for content such as multiple-meaning words, synonyms, and prefixes.

The turn-key ELD curriculum allows teachers to simply click on the pacing calendar and start teaching each day.

The Link to Literacy ELD Curriculum is rigorously aligned to the California English Language Development (ELD) Standards as well as the California Common Core Standards and the standards for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).

Grades: 3-12
Applicable for areas of: ELA and ELD
Recommended Audience Size: ELD (3rd-12th) and Native English speakers in grade 3 and up

The purchase of a Launch to Literacy teacher license gives teachers unlimited online access to the curriculum. DataWORKS develops a user dashboard for your site and teachers can access all levels of the curriculum from one location.


Questions about professional development for teachers? Connect with us!

A webinar is the best way for us to hear your vision for your school.

We know that every school is unique and requires a custom approach.
Fill out the form and we will get back to you ASAP!

We look forward to hearing from you.

-The DataWORKS Team

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