Tiers of Instruction

Understanding Tiers of Instruction: A Guide to Effective Teaching Practices

   Traditionally, Response to Intervention (RTI) is often visualized as a pyramid, with Tier 1 at the base, encompassing the largest group of students, and Tiers 2 and 3 narrowing towards the top, representing progressively smaller groups needing more intensive support. This model can sometimes lead to an over-reliance on remediation, with many students requiring additional…

Test Prep

Preparing Students for Success: Test Preparation and EDI

The Importance of Test Prep for Students The Role of Test Preparation in Academic Achievement Test preparation is essential for helping students perform at their best during assessments. Whether for state exams, standardized tests, or subject-specific assessments, test prep familiarizes students with the format, question types, and expectations. This reduces anxiety and boosts confidence. Reinforcing…

Higher-Order Thinking


EDI AND HIGHER-ORDER QUESTIONING: BUILDING CRITICAL THINKERS Structuring Lessons with Thought-Provoking Questions As an educator focused on effective instruction, the transformative power of Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI) is evident in how it elevates classroom questioning from basic recall to deep critical thinking. This approach reshapes traditional questioning methods into a structured process that promotes deeper…

differentiate and scaffold

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – after teaching including RTI

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – after teaching including RTIPlan for success after teaching All students successful Suppose you have already retaught, and a few students still aren’t ready. You have reached 80% success but are worried about the last few students. Naturally, you want all your students to be successful, but it’s not efficient…

Differentiate and Scaffold

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – while teaching

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – while teachingPlan for success during the lesson In a prior blog, we talked about differentiating and scaffolding when designing lessons. Differentiation refers to the idea of modifying instruction to meet a student’s individual needs and learning styles. Scaffolding refers to modifications you make while designing and teaching lessons that…

Differentiation and Scaffolding

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – Before the Lesson

How to Differentiate and Scaffold – before teachingPlan for success before the lesson There are differences between differentiation and scaffolding. Differentiation refers to the idea of modifying instruction to meet a student’s individual needs and learning styles. Scaffolding refers to modifications you make while designing and teaching lessons that allow all students to be successful…