EDI Second Edition Coming Soon – Effective Feedback

The Well-Crafted, Well-Taught Lesson gets even better! So what’s new? Explicit Direct Instruction: The Power of the Well-Crafted, Well-Taught Lesson was published in 2009, and since then authors John Hollingsworth and Dr. Silvia Ybarra have forged a path through the Common Core State Standards, visited hundreds more classrooms, and fine-tuned their EDI strategies. Now they are…

STEAM in the EDI Classroom

STEAM is the latest push to create students who are scientifically and technologically literate and able to solve real-world problems.  This is a fantastic goal that we here at DataWORKS wholeheartedly endorse.  Unfortunately, the jargon that underlies many STEAM lessons and programs suggests that projects, programs, and methods boil down to very little teaching. STEAMing…