EDI and Hattie’s Visible Learning

EDI Activates 18 of the Top 30 Influences on Student Achievement, As Measured by Hattie John Hattie, a professor of education from Australia and New Zealand, published Visible Learning in 2009 (with additional books in 2012 and 2015).  The purpose of his research was to identify what works and what doesn’t in education in statistical…

Explicit Direct Instruction Students Can Learn More and Learn Faster

An Interview with Mr. John Hollingsworth and Dr. Silvia Ybarra Interviewed by: Bao Tianren (National Basic Foreign Language Teaching Research Centre, Beijing 100081, China) Background of DataWORKS Educational Research Company Bao Tianren (BAO): Mr. Hollingsworth, thank you very much for inviting me to the States. We had several rounds of talks during the 50th TESOL…

Explicit Direct Instruction and Common Core

How do EDI and Common Core Standards work together?

How do EDI and Common Core Standards work together? Let us begin with understanding the terminology to avoid miscommunication. Common Core refers to educational standards created at the national level. Common Core standards are organized by subject and grade. Many teachers have been misled to believe that Common Core requires inquiry learning, project-based learning, or…

DataWORKS teams up with Parlier Unified to improve literacy

We are happy to report that we have teamed up with Parlier Unified School District to conduct an innovative, academic summer program designed to improve student literacy and math skills while supporting teachers through classroom coaching. The six-week academy, which begins this month, is being called “StepUP to Literacy”. Recently, a 2016 CAASPT assessment found…

STEAM in the EDI Classroom

STEAM is the latest push to create students who are scientifically and technologically literate and able to solve real-world problems.  This is a fantastic goal that we here at DataWORKS wholeheartedly endorse.  Unfortunately, the jargon that underlies many STEAM lessons and programs suggests that projects, programs, and methods boil down to very little teaching. STEAMing…