What is it?
The Link to Literacy Intermediate English Language Development (ELD) curriculum was designed to address the needs of students in grades 3 and up who struggle in the areas of language, vocabulary, and reading.
Intensive Explicit Direct Instruction lessons cover a range of topics such as: using simple verb tenses, determining the meaning of words using context clues, and determining the main purpose of a text.
Flashcards are also incorporated throughout the curriculum to address topics like antonyms, homophones, and multiple-meaning words.
Online assessments are scheduled in regular intervals to check the understanding of students using the Link to Literacy curriculum.
See Link to Literacy in Action
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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know what level to place students into?
How do I incorporate Link to Literacy with my existing ELA or ELD textbooks?
Link to Literacy is designed to build vocabulary, improve the use of language conventions, and increase reading comprehension levels using informational text. These vital skills can be incorporated with any textbook adoption and with any category of students.
How is Link to Literacy different from my current ELA/ELD textbook?
Over the years DataWORKS has studied hundreds of textbook adoptions, including the major ones that have recently been adopted for Common Core. Most textbooks on the market today provide English Learner accessible content, not English Language Development content. Accessible content teaches students English Language Arts, and as an aside, they provide shortened stories and simplified questions that are more accessible to English learners. Link to Literacy takes it one step further, helping students build their vocabulary, strengthening their understanding and use of language conventions, and making them more confident in reading comprehension.That doesn’t mean English learners should not receive grade-level ELA instruction. They absolutely should! But they also need to receive extra support in vocabulary, conventions, and reading comprehension.