John is the president and co-founder of DataWORKS. With his varied background as a systems analyst, engineer, and musician, John has applied his analytical and presenting skills to the field of education, transforming lives with his insights into the teaching process. He and his wife Silvia Ybarra have pioneered research-based teaching strategies, known as Explicit Direct Instruction, which have received praise from teachers worldwide. John has published numerous articles, trained thousands of educators, and presented at many conferences. His mastery of lesson delivery is inspiring to educators. He and Silvia are co-authors of two books on teaching.

15 Reasons to Pair-Share

Pair-Shares are super important for multiple reasons. Here are fifteen reasons. Each one of them justifies the use of Pair-Shares. (1) Every student orally answers every question. Pair-Shares go beyond having students think of an answer. Now, all of them are actually saying the answer aloud. Think about it. Every student orally answers every question…