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Professional Development
for Remote Learning

Remote Learning is now at the forefront of today’s Teaching.

Want more information on our Remote Learning solutions? Let’s start a conversation today.

The greatest issue in Remote Teaching is to ensure if Remote Learning is taking place

Whether your students are in the classroom or in their living room, the teaching of new content is, and has always been, the concern of every teacher.

Distance learning for a student
Distance learning for a teacher

Person to Person Professional Development

The traditional way of doing professional development was to have a trainer come to your school site and present new ideas or strategies that teachers could implement in the classroom. (Although we took it up a notch by actually demonstrating in the classroom and coaching teachers on the new strategies.)

In these critical times, we have developed two new services to help you keep focused on Remote Teaching and ensure Remote Learning.

Online to Online Remote Learning

With easy-to-use webinar technology, we can bring professional development to your teachers online. This is Virtual PD for the Virtual Classroom. We will show your teachers how to use technology to connect with students at home. Teachers can be at home (Remote Teaching) for this training, or they can be assembled at your school site. We will review several different technology solutions because school and home sites vary. Our goal is to help teachers feel comfortable using technology to deliver explicit direct instruction of new content to their students.

In Person to Online Remote Learning

In this training, we come to your school site and train your teachers how to do digital flow teaching of EDI. We demonstrate how to use the effective EDI teaching methods via online technology. How do you do Checking for Understanding and Engagement Norms remotely? Remote Teaching to help ensure Remote Learning is the objective.

We do Remote Teaching to ensure Remote Learning

The focus is on the students. We adapt good teaching methods for a virtual environment. Interaction and engagement are still possible and here is how to do it.

Distance Teaching

Alex Chavez

Ensuring Remote Learning

Teaching Tips

Teaching with Zoom

Zoom Remote Learning

ELD Support

Launch to Literacy

Launch to Literacy with Remote Learning

ELD Support

Link to Literacy

Link to Literacy with Remote Learning
1 Step 1

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