Every teacher is looking for post-baccalaureate credit to support their teaching career. During this turbulent time, it makes sense (and cents) to focus on your teaching skills and make it pay off in salary too, if possible.

Postgraduate Credits to
Boost Your Skills & Your Salary
Online Courses to Advance Your Career
We can help by providing Professional Development courses via webinars that offer postgraduate credit. These courses are for individual teachers or groups of teachers at school site locations. Each course is interactive and extremely practical. They help you develop strategies that will keep you sharp and engaged in your teaching.
Each course is focused on one of the following subjects:
- Building Classroom Engagement with Explicit Direct Instruction
- English Learner Strategies Workshop
- Explicit Direct Instruction – Brain Research that works in your classroom
- Beyond Worksheets and Algorithms – Making Math Sticky
Each course is time- and cost-effective
Each webinar course is no longer than 45 minutes and prepares you to do the course work for the college credit. Don’t worry, you are never left alone, as we are available to support you through normal office hours. Let us know if you would like additional information. We can provide pricing for both you as an individual or for your school. Contact us for more information.

Step 1
Contact Dataworks
Step 2
Attend Workshop
Step 3
Email Coursework
Step 4
Earn Units

Hi! Got questions?
Are you wondering about the big picture or the small details? About timing or even pricing? I’m the guy to get you answers. Call or email me with your questions, and I’ll help you take the steps to make learning visible in your classroom.
Feel free to email directly joel@dataworks-ed.com or call my direct line at: