5E Instructional Model and EDI

Empowering Students: The 5E Model Explained

Teachers who can incorporate instructional models like the 5E Model into their classrooms help students build a strong foundation of knowledge through active participation.

When choosing an instructional model, teachers seek strategies that help students gain a complete understanding of new concepts. They aim to engage students, motivate them to learn, and guide them toward skill development. One of the ways to do that is by incorporating inquiry-based approaches like the 5E Model, which is grounded in active learning.

Crosswalk: The 5 E’s Model* for Teaching Mathematics and EDI

The 5 E’s EDI
ENGAGE students using connections to prior knowledge.

  • – Objective stated written/orally
  • – Focuses students on key skills
  • – Activities to promote curiosity
  • – Assess previous knowledge
  • – Defining a problem
  • – Literature experience
  • – A problem of the Day (POD)
EDI Lesson Components:
Learning Objective
Activate Prior KnowledgeTAPPLE Instruction: (T)
Teachers focus the class on Learning Objective.
Students chorally read the L.O.
Teachers connect the L.O. to prior knowledge of a universal nature or a subskill.
What students will do to EXPLORE the concept. (Teach)

  • – Cooperative grouping
  • – Observations/Simulations
  • – Review homework
  • – Whole class
  • – Use of manipulatives
  • – Use of technology (calculators, software, internet, etc.)
  • – Demonstration/modeling of concepts
  • – Questioning strategies
  • – Viewing a video or reading
EDI Lesson Components:
Concept Development
Skill DevelopmentTAPPLE Instruction: (TA)
The teacher teaches the concept with a bullet-proof definition, labeled attributes, an example, and if needed, a non-example.
Explore occurs during the check for understanding after teaching the concept/big idea and the process for skill development.Instructional Strategies:
Use Pair-Shares and Whiteboards to involve groups and whole class
Use technology and manipulatives to model the concept or skill

  • – Vocabulary development and review
  • – Guided practice
  • – Independent practice
  • – Clarification of misconceptions
  • – Identify patterns or similarities
EDI Lesson Components
Skill Development / Guided PracticeTAPPLE Instruction: (APPLE)
Explain is the teaching that precedes the explore question/task.
Teachers ask questions about the content taught.
Vocabulary is defined during Concept Development and Skill Development as it comes up.
Checking for Understanding is used to clarify misconceptions.
ELABORATE extend understanding of the concept. (Practice/Apply)

  • – Flexible grouping
  • – Independent activities (e.g., worksheet)
  • – Centers
  • – Word problems
  • – Problem of the Week (POW)
  • – Games
EDI Lesson Components
Independent PracticeInstructional Strategies:
Teachers can provide real-world examples to apply the concept and skill.
Teachers only provide independent activities for concepts and skills that have already been taught.
Homework is used for practice and reinforcement not learning new skills.
Students may work in groups or pairs.

  • – Journal
  • – Writing summaries
  • – Concept Map
  • – Quiz
  • – Student-centered evaluation
  • – Focus for next lesson
  • – Closure/review of daily activity
EDI Lesson Components
Checking for UnderstandingTAPPLE Instruction: (LE)
Teachers use Effective Feedback to make a decision on whether to move on or reteach.

*Introduced by Roger Bybee, et al, The Biological Science Curriculum Study (BSCS) 1987