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Intro Blog

Professional Development day with Silvia Ybarra

DataWORKS Educational Research has been working to improve education for more than 17 years. Along the way, we have observed more than 35,000 teachers, collected and calibrated more than 2 million student assignments to measure alignment to state standards, and surveyed more than 100,000 educational stakeholders to collect data and optimize educational reform. Company founders John Hollingsworth and Dr. Silvia Ybarra have published three bestselling educational books that have set a high standard for classroom instruction.

In 2010, DataWORKS was at the forefront of the Common Core State Standards initiative. When the standards were adopted in 2011, we immediately began looking for ways to help ease the transition for educators and students.  While our staff and consultants have attended dozens of Common Core trainings, webinars, and meetings sponsored by groups including ASCD, WestEd, Engage NY, Smarter Balanced, PARCC, state departments of education, county offices of education, and many more in the past three years, we continue to maintain our overall goal of supporting excellent classroom instruction and reform at the lesson level.

Our team has spent, and continues to spend, countless hours analyzing and interpreting Common Core standards, the released assessment questions, practice tests, progressions, shifts, and appendices to insure that we are well-informed in every aspect of Common Core.

Recently, we began the same process with the Next Generation Science Standards, and we are looking forward to an adoption of the Core Art Standards and national history and social studies standards.

We are well-versed in educational technology and frequently field-test new hardware and software designed for classroom instruction. We partnered with Digital Edge Learning to release “the only Classroom Observation iPad app you’ll ever need.” The digiCOACH EDI-edition app allows administrators to conduct classroom observations from a tablet computer, immediately send supportive feedback via email through pre-populated EDI-specific suggestions, as well as examine aggregated data from a variety of angles to determine where a teacher might need more or less support.

Our extensive expertise and real-world classroom experience allows us to share unlimited insight with administrators, educators, parents, and students. Our goal is to provide meaningful content that is relevant to succeeding in the 21st century.

Our blog will cover a variety of topics organized into the following categories:

We welcome you to our blog and invite you to participate in our educational community as you are able. We want to hear your comments, concerns, and questions about our posts. Even if you don’t agree with our posts, we will respond to polite responses in kind.

If you have private questions that you’d rather not post, feel free to contact us at:

Read below for brief bios about some of our blog writers.

John Hollingsworth

John is the president and co-founder of DataWORKS Educational Research. Building on his background as a systems analyst, mechanical engineer, and musician, John turned his analytical and dynamic presenting skills toward the field of education. He continues to transform lives of teachers and students with his coaching and insight into the teaching process. John plans to blog about curriculum and assessments for CCSS and NGSS, classroom strategies, and news and research from the world of education.

Silvia Ybarra

Silvia is the chief researcher and co-founder of DataWORKS Educational Research. Silvia’s experience as a physics and chemistry teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent has garnered a wealth of knowledge in learning, language, and research.  She continues to apply her findings to improve education and to help break the cycle of poverty for thousands of low-income and low-performing students. She herself is an education success story; as a non-English-speaking immigrant girl from El Salvador, Silvia came to the United States and rose to earn her doctorate in education. Silvia plans to blog about curriculum and assessments for CCSS and NGSS, classroom strategies that can impact English Language Learners (ELLs), and news and research from the world of education.

Alex Chavez

Alex has worked as a Curriculum Specialist in the Research Department at DataWORKS since 2009. Alex is also currently an Adjunct Instructor at Heald College and uses his classroom to practice and test many of the lessons, strategies, and new technology recommended by DataWORKS. Alex’s expertise is in mathematics, but he frequently does consulting and coaching for DataWORKS in all subject areas. Alex plans to blog about curriculum for CCSS, new developments in the area of mathematics, classroom strategies, and educational technology.

Chris Jones

Chris has worked as a Curriculum Specialist in the Research Department at DataWORKS since 2009. Chris has taught undergraduate history courses and has spent time doing primary source research. Chris plans to blog about curriculum and assessments for CCSS and NGSS, new developments in the areas of history and science, and news and research from the world of education.

Elias Ibarra

Elias has worked as a graphic designer for DataWORKS since November 2007.  Much of his work concerns the maintenance and evolution of the company website, the design and support of multi-media marketing initiatives, internal resources, and training materials. Please feel free to contact Elias with any questions or concerns about the functionality of the DataWORKS blog.

Katie Burchfield

Katie has managed the Research Department at DataWORKS since 2008. Under Katie’s direction, the Research team has developed a variety of products and services to help teachers understand and implement the Common Core State Standards. Katie plans to blog about curriculum and assessments for CCSS and NGSS, classroom strategies, and news and research from the world of education.

Lacey Gingrich

Lacey has worked as a Curriculum Specialist in the Research Department at DataWORKS since 2010. Lacey’s expertise is in secondary English-Language Arts and Science. Lacey plans to blog about curriculum and assessments for CCSS and NGSS, new developments in the area of English-Language Arts, and classroom strategies.

Mike Neer

Mike has worked as a Curriculum Specialist and Editor in the Research Department at DataWORKS since 2010. Mike has held many K-12 teaching positions in locations such as Chicago, Puerto Rico, and Fresno. He has also taught at Reedley College and Kaplan College, where he was named Instructor of the Year in 2010. In addition, Mike has edited and published trade magazines for more than 30 years. Mike plans to blog about curriculum and assessments for CCSS and NGSS, classroom strategies, and news and research from the world of education.

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